Measurements in VLF / LF range using audio card
Applications, designed for low frequency spectrum analysis, as data source use PC audio card and depending on the audio card capabilities covers frequency range up to 96 kHz.
Audio card based spectrum analysis system is probably the simplest possible. Just connect signal cable to LineIn jack and run an appropriate application.
However a sound card must be choosen with care. Not all cards support sampling frequency higher than 44 100 Hz and not all cards have input bandwidth wide enough, even if 192 kHz sampling frequency is supported.
Applications for audio card
MDS Audio Spectrum Analyser
Application is designed for a real-time audio or LF radio spectrum analysis and long lasting spectrum history collection for the post-time analysis by MDS Data Analyser. Read more...
MDS Audio Oscilloscope / Spectrum Analyser
Designed to visualise and process in FFT signals, sampled with PC audio card. With this application you can convert your computer to high precision two channel low frequency oscilloscope. Read more...
Waveform Generator 116
Generates harmonic audio signals with common sound card. Up to four independent synthesizers available. Read more...