MDS Audio Oscilloscope / Spectrum Analyser
MDS Audio Oscilloscope / Spectrum Analyser converts your computer into dual channel digital oscilloscope and spectrum analyser.
As digitizer application uses PC's audio card. Many audio cards has fequency response up to 90 kHz and this is more than enough for measurements in the audio spectrum range.
Powerful signal reconstruction enables to visualise signals correctly at frequencies, close to Nyquist frequency.
Channels can run in two modes: like in conventional oscilloscope using same time and amplitude axes for both channels, or independent axes for the each channel !
Triggers for the each channel might be independent as well! You can use this application as two different single channel oscilloscopes.
An automatic Y axis scale adjustment allows to keep waveform fully visible, when it moved close to upper or bottom window edge. It shrinks waveform moving to the edge and expands it moving to the center.
- Sampling frequency: 8 000 - 192 000 Hz
- Vertical resolution: 16 bit
- Sound card selection: YES
- Channels count: 2
- Channels modes: independent, I master - II slave, II master - I slave
- Math: Ch1=Ch1+Ch2; Ch1=Ch1-Ch2; Ch2=Ch2+Ch1; Ch2=Ch2-Ch1
- Signal reconstruction: YES
- Pretrigger: YES
- Trigger events: above, below, free run
- Internal trigger: YES
- External trigger: two channel mode - NO, single channel mode - YES
- Data visualisation modes: single, continuous display
- FFT points count: 8 - 2 097 152
- FFT Window functions: Rectangular, Gauss, Hamming, Hann, Bartlett, Triangular, Bartlett-Hann, Blackman, Nutall, Blackman-Harris, Blackman-Nutall, Flat Top
- Oscilloscope amplitude axis units of measurement: Volts (nV...kV), Sample Value (smp)
- Oscilloscope time axis units of measurement: seconds (ns...s), Sample Index (x)
- Spectrum Analyser amplitude units of measurement: Volts (V), Sample value (smp), dB (50 ohm input impedance relative: dBm, dBuV, dBmV, dBV)
- Markers count: unlimited, with difference measurement
- High accuracy measurements: YES
- Floating (separate) spectrum window: YES
System requirements
- Supported OS - WinXP SP3, Win 7, Win 8
- RAM - 2 GB
- CPU - 2 or more cores
- HDD - 30 GB
- Sound card
Licence - freeware.
Installation notes
- Log on as administrator, install, start and close the application
- Log off from admin and log on as user
- Start and use the application
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